Nora and I are friends with several healers in the Chico/Paradise community. Many of you know Paradise was whiped off the map due to “FIRE”. We actually had a booth at a healing fair, days before the fire so were personally know healers in Paradise and see local refuges in the town we reside, which was a few valleys away. There WAS a local Crystal shop were were to put our Orgone for sail in. You get the idea.
If you have a little extra this month and wish to support the local healers; my friends Rahsya and Darha are taking donation to keep the Healers their afloat with free advertising and assisting getting their business up and running. They run our favorite local Healer Magazine called the Lotus Guide. Many of you would like the writing as the owners are just as WOO WOO as us. They are very active activists as well and are assisting their communities in many ways. Their local Radio station/radio show was burned out as well.
Give if you wish or can…don’t if you can’t or don’t resonate with this. Easy.
Lotus Guide Donation and Fire info links
There are other ways you can give to that community as well…..and to others outside the healing community there.
Here is a youtube video of Rahsya driving and talking about aftermath
David Wilcock’s very Ufo version of events
Here is an article I wrote for them.