Ener-Chi Wellness is founded by Ty and Nora.
Nora and Ty have been a professional team for 14 years……
with experience in performing arts, media production, business management and tech.
After suffering with a bout of extreme bout of electromagnetic sickness/spiritual awakening, they decided to quite typical western world and learn organic farming, natural healing techniques, herbs, spirit medicine, action at a distance healing, two-point, emf mitigation, healing tools, earth healing, frequency, nutritional support, parasite cleansing, clearing energies and over a dozen other “modalities”. First, to fully recover themselves and then, to share there unique perspective on the natures of “DIS-ease”, physical/spirititual health and support of our “sensitives” all over the planet.
We are TQH (True Quantum Healing) Practitioners and work in various other subtle energy, infopathic, homeonic, and nutritional modalities. Our techniques are upgrades to shamanistic and psychic clearing …using subtle/quantum energy techniques and tools. True Quantum Healing is unique method of spiritual diagnostic/healing used to get very profound results, fast. It was developed by the very well know Canadian holistic healer Chris Kehler and we have incorporated our own techniques and tools to this amazing practice. There is no spiritual issue/phenomena to weird(out their) for them to work on and they enjoy working on “difficult” cases. We have clients in many different countries and continents. We are also bi-lingual being able to heal in Spanish.
Additional skills are: working with earth energies(geopathic stress), Source Player counseling, Quantum Balancing Devices, Intuitive reading, muscle testing and dozens of other energetic modalities
We, also, make the highest quality orgone(chi, orgonite) healing devices. Our tools can be found in healing stores in the Pacific NW, Shasta, Sedona, Gold Country, and other countries.
We have been caring for sacred energy spots and stones in N. America and have made significant anthropological discoveries…..proof of the ancients in America.
Presently they attend to their organic garden, make healing tools, heal people all over the world, do daily earth healings and continually develop newer efficient healing methods for the mind, body and soul.