True Quantum Healing with Nora.
Using dowsing, Krystaline Energetic Balancing Tools….we will find the exact spiritual and energetic stressor for your issues and clear them out. Sessions last 1 hour approximately. We will schedule an exact time. We can do this over phone, skype or in person if you are in Gold Country. Many issues are handled in a single session. Nora is fully fluent in Spanish and can do a full healing in that language.
Please specify preferred times and contact info in the note section of your order.
Sessions may include(depending on situation and what we dowse).
- Neutralization Rings
- Various Balancing tools
- Dowsing to find the root cause of the phenomena.
- Special rundowns, lists and contract removal procedures.
- Lots of Wisdom and Experience
- Healings based on the True Quantum Healing Modality with a few expansions on the system we have developed.