Our Super-Ener-Chi Orgone scalar pendulum. Perfect for True Quantum Healing practitioners and other pro’s.
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2020ingredients = all our previous ingredients + pure silver powder, phenacite, rhodizite, Aquamarine and Larimar.
All Ener-ChiWellness.com Orgone tools are hand crafted(individually or small batches) in house by Ty and Nora. Specialized boosting crystal powders, quality metals and unique extensive tuning procedures; make our orgone technologies beyond powerful.
This pendulum is a truly interference resistant, accurate TRUE DOWSING TOOL….for students, practitioners, True Quantum Healers and other pro’s. Bring your dowsing to the next level with this Orgone/scalar/quantum Pendulum. Hand made by Ener-ChiWelless.com.
RUTHENIUM Powder, has been added for extra interference free dowsing and entity repelling features. RUTHENIUM is a NOBLE metal, extremely rare and has many metaphysical/multidimensional/source properties(like all platinum class metals).
The design is unique with a hand made swing chain, crystal bead, SMOOTH 360 swivel rotation(for easy clearing), nice weight, Unique SUPER Ener-chi Powder powered Orgone/Scalar material and a ton of true frequencies. The “SUPER ENER-ChiPowder Layer” is what makes our Orgone tools stand out above the rest. How much…well 100k to 500k bovis is alot more than 15k bovis of other types.
Its the main dowsing tool we use for our quantum healing sessions. Could these be the most effective pendulums on the planet? We think so!!!
Tuned on Lumerian Grids, rare crystal grids, scalar, quantum and Orgone devices(40+ total). Each tool tunes the pieces 40X..giving a total of 1000’s of frequencies. Highest quality resin is used. 8 Of the most effective, highest quality powdered metals(for maximum Orgone energy creation) are used in all our pieces.